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Labradorite, Black Onyx Earrings


A Mother with children born in the months of March and December as an unusual, unique birthstone earrings/jewelry gift.


Labradorite is mined in Labrador, Canada, Newfoundland, the USA, Norway, South America and Mexico.

Finland and Madagascar are known to yield the highest quality Labradorite pieces.

Onyx is a gemstone found in various regions of the world including Yemen, Uruguay, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Germany, India, Indonesia, Madagascar, Latin America, the UK, and various states in the US.


The Labradorite has earned the tag Power Stone due to the belief that it can help you interpret the true meaning of your dreams, and even bring you spiritual awakening.

The ability to uplift your mood and reduce stress and anxiety are other attributes accorded down the ages to this remarkable gemstone.

Onyx was known to the Ancient Greeks and Romans.

The first-century naturalist Pliny the Elder described both type of onyx and various artificial treatment techniques in his Naturalis Historia.

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What ASHANTI Jewels customers say about her jewelry


I had bought the earrings and Ashanti found this perfectly matching stone for the necklace!

Very happy with my purchases and I appreciate the personal touch! The items came in a few days too.



ASHANTI Jewels customer


If I could give these earrings and necklace 10 stars I would!! Fast shipping. Extensive high-quality packaging. A true artist at work! The set is gorgeous and high-quality workmanship with above and beyond package I can go on and on.

Buy here you won't be disappointed at all!! I know I will be back.


ASHANTI Jewels customer

My friend Lil loves this set of birthday gift! Thank you!


ASHANTI Jewels customer

Free Shipping USA & Canada

on all orders over USD 50

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within 30 days of purchase

Beautifully wrapped

ready for gifting



Beautiful jewels, lovingly handmade...

I live in Burlington, Ontario, Canada with my son and my husband.

In Toronto, Canada, I studied Jewelry Manufacturing Arts at George Brown College and later Jewelry Designing and Gemology at the Gemological Institute of America in Carlsbad, California, USA.

I feel blessed to be working in my studio, listening to music, designing, making jewelry, and shipping orders every day.

Thank you for visiting ASHANTI Jewels.


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